7 Points Kids Must Know About Pests


If you have kids at home, you must give them all the necessary knowledge about pests. Pests will definitely survive in places where kids are as kids have some habits that are favorable to the growth of pests. Certain habits like food littering, clutter, disorganized rooms, food packets in closets, and many other habits are enough for any pest to breed in favorable conditions. 

You definitely need pest control professionals to deal with pests when you have kids at home. 

There are certain things as follows kids must know about pests:

Pests Can Be Dangerous

Kids must realize the difference between pests and pets. Not all pests can be tamed. In fact, pests can never be tamed as they are not pet animals. They have certain habits that can prove dangerous to human health and to the entire property. Pests can sting painfully deep and this can cause a lot of discomfort. You will need a doctor too, at times, if things really go bizarre. You need to tell your kids about every possible danger pests bring with them.  

They Carry Diseases

Mostly all pests carry some or the other diseases. Some fatal diseases like Chikungunya, Malaria, Typhoid, Jaundice, and many other skin diseases come from pests or pest contaminated food or water. Most of the diseases have no cure and many people across the world die by only mosquito bites. 

Pests come through gutters or ground holes can carry a lot of bacteria or virus on them. Once you touch them or they pass through you, there is a strong possibility of the disease getting transmitted to your body.

Check and Control Ill Habits

Tell your kids the reasons why pests infest their rooms and multiply in numbers. Ask them to check their ill-habits and work on them. Certain habits like eating food any place inside the house, leaving food in the plates, leaving the food packets open, not closing the water taps, not arranging the things and other habits can promote the growth of pests at home. 

You need to tell them to be aware of certain conditions that are favorable to the growth of some very dangerous pests. 

Pests Thrive on Food and Food Sources

Many kids at tender age are not aware the reasons why pests multiply. They are not even aware of the fact that pests survive mostly on food and water sources. When you, as a parent or teacher, instill certain facts in their brain since childhood, they may start taking necessary precautions. 

These precautions may include shutting down all the food and water resources to stop pest infestation at home and schools. 

They Make Clutter Their Home

Most of the kids are free-spirited in a way that they do not know how to organize their things. You need to tell them why de-cluttering is an important task. Teach them to discard old and useless things from their room. They must know how not to pile up things before pests start infesting there. 

Disposing things properly in the trash cans after use is one habit that every kid must be taught right from the beginning.  

Never Hold Them Directly

Pests come from various locations and all these locations are mostly dirty and swampy. Gutters, stagnant water areas, untidy toilets, disorganized gardens and other such places are clear invitation to few common pests. When pests thrive in such areas, their chances of getting infected through bacteria and viruses are very high. 

They transmit the same bacteria and virus in a kid’s body upon touching them directly. If your kid if too fascinated towards certain pests, ask him or her to wear hand gloves and wash hands after touching the pests.  

Do Not Play With Them

Many pest control professionals have found that kids in every house are the most affected ones of all the age groups. The reason being they play with certain pests. Like mentioned as above, there is a much stronger difference between pests and pets and kids must be made aware of such a difference. Pests can in fact infect the adorable pets too.

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